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The Titans - Episode 3: Atlas

Updated: Jun 20, 2019

Atlas is the titan of endurance, strength, and astronomy in greek mythology. This is Charles here, on episode three of the Titans category. In this article, you shall learn about Atlas the Titan. He was punished to hold up the the Earth's/Heavens' weight forever until the titans rise again and defeats all gods on the good side, which is impossible. Zeus gave him this punishment. Atlas loathed Zeus and hated his job, but if he releases the sky, he and all living things will be crushed. Atlas was given this task in retribution for him leading the Titans into battle, or Titanomachy, against the Olympian Gods for control of the heavens.

Atlas was the son of titans Iapetus (or Bob) and Clymene. His siblings are Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius. Prometheus means "forethought", and Epimetheus means "afterthought". Prometheus and Epimetheus were two of the titans that sided with the gods during the first Titan War. Atlas is the father of the nymph Calypso, and also Maia, who was one of the Pleiades, and mother of Hermes. Atlas was also the father of the Hesperides, nymphs and guardians of the tree of golden apples. In the Percy Jackson series, they met a hunter of Artemis, who is one of the Hesperides, Zoë Nightshade.

Atlas is personally one of my favorite titans, because although I know holding up the heavens' weight isn't simple, being able to hold it up for a millennia is really really cool. By the way, Calypso was persuaded to side with the titans in the titan war, so Zeus punished Calypso (hey, I think Zeus punished like... Atlas and all his children for some reason) and trapped her on Olygia. When heroes were unconscious or lost in an explosion, some of them were transferred to Olygia. But although they want to rescue Calypso, she can't leave the island. It is permanently her home and prison. Another spoiler from Heroes of Olympus, is that Leo Valdez rescued Calypso and they became... you know, the-mature-thing.

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