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The Titans - Episode 4: Prometheus

Updated: Jun 20, 2019

Today we are going to talk about Prometheus, the titan that was believed to have created us. By the way, this is James here. This is my second time posting a titan episode. Before you start reading this, you should go to The Olympians series first, and read some of the episodes to understand some of the myths told in this series. Sorry for posting episode 4 so late, and with nothing else to say, let's get started!

Prometheus, in fact, is a pretty famous titan. Zeus felt like something was missing when he became king of the Olympians. One day, Zeus went to Prometheus and told him that he wanted him to create a whole new species that resembled them in any way except power and size. Prometheus, at that time, was good friends with Zeus, so he created the first humans out of clay. Nowadays, modern scientists say that we evolved from creatures that thrived three billion years ago, but that was not what Greek Mythology thinks. After Prometheus created the human clay statues, they came right alive and started chatting.

Soon after, civilisation began, but humans were missing one big thing: fire. Prometheus adored humans a lot, so he gave fire to the humans. When Zeus found out, he was very mad. He told Prometheus to never make humans their equal, but Prometheus betrayed Zeus. That was why Zeus punished us. Have you ever heard a myth about the first woman in the human civilisation having a box and when she opened it, she let out all the bad things that humans have ever done? Well, that box was the punishment that Zeus gave to the humans.

The first woman arrived to the human world, otherwise known as the mortal world, or Gaea's territory, with Hermes, the messenger of gods (you can learn about him in The Olympians series). Prometheus thought about how Zeus said to him to never make female humans, but he decided to not go against Zeus (remember that he is the king of the gods). That was why the myth took place.

Overall, I think that Prometheus was very important to humanity's survival. Without him, we might barely be able to make fire out of sticks. Prometheus's last punishment, which is also pretty famous, is getting hanged on a mountain, and getting poked by hawks. Since Prometheus is immortal, he cannot die, so every day, the hawks come back and poke out his organs. We should really thank Prometheus.

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